A Deep Dive Into The Rich History and Culture of Coffee.

A Deep Dive Into The Rich History and Culture of Coffee.

We think coffee is one of the world's most popular beverages. It's enjoyed by millions of people around the globe every day and its rich history goes back centuries. From its roots in Africa to its current status as one of the most widely consumed drinks on Earth, we write this blog to explore the fascinating journey of coffee through time.

Coffee’s Ancient Roots in Africa and Arabia

The story of coffee begins in ancient Ethiopia, where it was first discovered by a goat herder named Kaldi. Legend has it that Kaldi noticed his goats eating a certain type of berry from a bush and, curious to see what effect it had on them, he decided to try some for himself. He was so energized by this new drink that he ran to tell others about it and soon enough, it spread all across Africa. In time, coffee made its way to Arabia and became an integral part of their culture.

The Rise of Coffee Culture in Europe

In the 16th century, coffee began making its way into Europe. At first it was met with suspicion—in Italy there were even rumors that drinking coffee could lead to infertility! But ultimately curiosity won out and soon enough Europeans were embracing this new beverage with open arms. By 1650 there were over 300 cafés serving up cups of coffee all throughout Europe and they quickly became places where everyone from intellectuals to artists gathered together to discuss their ideas and theories. This is how “coffee culture” as we know it today began!

The Globalization of Coffee

By the 18th century, coffee had become so popular that European countries began colonizing parts of Africa in order to gain access to more land for growing coffee beans. As these colonies grew in size and scope, so did their production capabilities—which enabled them to export more beans than ever before! This meant that by the 19th century, people all over the world—from America to Japan—were enjoying cups of freshly brewed java each morning as part of their daily routine.

The history and culture surrounding our beloved and caffeinated cup are truly fascinating! From its humble beginnings as an energizing African berry thousands of years ago, all the way up until now when billions upon billions are consumed every day around the world—it's been quite a journey! And while we don’t know exactly what lies ahead for our favorite drink in years to come, one thing is certain - people will continue loving (and drinking!) coffee no matter what!

We are excited to be a part of this fascinating history by having our own piece of paradise in Puerto Rico, our coffee farm, in Maricao Puerto Rico. In Hacienda Iluminada we process and grow our own coffee beans. We are growing, processing and roasting specialty, single origin coffee, contributing a piece of delicious coffee to our coffee shops in Puerto Rico, New York, New Jersey and hopefully very soon Texas.

Stay Caffeinated.


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